How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with Depression?

June 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — embracepwc @ 12:13 am
three wooden blocks spelling out CBT

Countless millions of people struggle with depression or major depressive episodes. This disorder can suck the color out of your life and make every day seem like a major obstacle. Fortunately, therapies are available that can help you see light and hope again! For many people, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective. What is CBT, and how might it help you cope with depression? This blog post explains.

What Is CBT?

CBT is a type of psychotherapy (also known as talk therapy). It combines the principles of cognitive therapy, which focuses on thoughts, and behavioral therapy, which focuses on actions. It works on the idea that negative and unhealthy feelings are the result of distorted beliefs and thoughts.

Through a series of sessions, a CBT expert will aim to help you identify thought patterns and behavioral responses that are harmful. Then, you can work to change those thoughts and behaviors with the goal of achieving improved mental health and overall wellness.

CBT for Depression — How Does It Work?

Every therapist is unique, and so is every patient, so there is no “one size fits all” formula for CBT. Therapy may involve:

  • Sessions where you talk to your therapist about your past and present.
  • Journaling and other types of “homework” that will help you make improvements between sessions.
  • Exercises that help you identify unhealthy thought patterns so you can consciously work on changing them. For example, you may be helped to modify “all or nothing” thinking or a tendency to overgeneralize things.

The number of sessions you need, as well as their frequency, will depend greatly on your individual circumstances.

How Effective Is CBT for Depression?

CBT has been proven to be consistently helpful for cases of mild to moderate depression. It has the potential to improve your mood, lead to a more positive outlook on life, and help you have a balanced view of yourself.

In some cases, CBT works best when it is combined with other therapies. For example, you may benefit from anti-depressant medications. Your mental health team will work to design a treatment plan that works for your condition, circumstances, and lifestyle.

Cognitive behavioral therapy may be the key to helping you climb out of the darkness created by depression! Get in touch with a qualified therapist to learn more about it and how it works.

Meet the Practice

Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center is proud to care for the mental health needs of patients in Westfield, Wall Township, and the surrounding communities. We offer a number of treatments for depression, and we always tailor therapy to the needs of each individual. If you are ready to learn more about our services, contact our team at 908-233-8065.

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