TMS – Effective Depression Treatment

May 26, 2023

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a depression treatment that is non-invasive and doesn’t involve the use of any drugs. In TMS therapy, the prefrontal cortex of your brain is stimulated with a magnetic field. This helps brain cells function and regulate your mood more effectively. It gently stimulates the areas of the brain that are under-active with depression.

At Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center, we offer safe, effective, and FDA-approved treatments that are designed to help patients feel like themselves again. We are a certified TMS treatment center, with locations in Westfield and Freehold, NJ.

During your appointment, one of our certified, personable, and trained team members will help make your mental health treatment experience comfortable and enjoyable throughout each session.

One of our highly trained TMS technicians, Renee, provides all the answers to your questions about this treatment:

What is TMS?

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) uses a highly focused series of magnetic pulses to stimulate nerve cells in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which tends to be under-active in individuals with depression. 

Who is a good candidate for TMS?

TMS is FDA-approved for adults with major depressive disorder (MDD) and/or anxiety. Most insurance companies require a patient to have failed traditional antidepressants prior to approving TMS treatment. TMS can be used in conjunction with medication, or as an alternative to medication. TMS is safe for individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

What are the contraindications for treatment?  

Contraindications for TMS include the presence of metal implanted in or around the head (such as cochlear implants, stimulators, or drug pumps, etc.). Individuals with seizure disorders or a history of seizures would need to be considered on a case-by-case basis and may require clearance from a specialist.

What are the common side effects of TMS?

TMS is a generally well-tolerated treatment with few relative side effects.  Some common side effects are minor scalp discomfort at or around the treatment site, facial twitching, and headaches during the first few treatments.

How long does it typically take for TMS to be effective in treating depression?

Some patients see a decrease in depressive symptoms within the first few weeks of treatment, for others it may take until week four or five to see results. Everyone is different so if it takes longer to notice symptom relief, it does not mean the treatment is ineffective. TMS is designed in such a way that results continue even after the 36 sessions are complete. 

What is the difference between TMS and ECT?

TMS is non-invasive and is not to be confused with Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT). TMS uses magnetic impulses to stimulate specific regions in the brain that play a role in depressive symptoms.  Unlike ECT, TMS requires no recovery period or long-lasting side effects, such as memory loss, making it easy to resume your daily activities after a TMS session.

How to prepare for your first TMS session?

Feel free to bring anything that will make you comfortable during treatment.  You may want to bring water and keep some OTC medicine on hand in case of a headache.  Some individuals use earplugs during their sessions, which our office can provide if preferred. 

What happens during a typical TMS session?

During a typical TMS session, we will have you sit or recline in the chair while the technician positions the machine in the correct spot (which is determined for each patient during the TMS mapping). Once treatment begins, the technician will be in the room with you for the duration of your session.  Feel free to relax in silence, listen to music or a podcast (without headphones), or chat with your technician – whatever makes you feel most comfortable!

How long is the course of treatment?

TMS sessions occur daily for approximately 20-30 mins a session, Monday through Friday, for 36 consecutive sessions. 

Will missing a session do anything?

We understand situations arise that may prevent patients from attending a session or two, which will not impact the overall effectiveness of TMS. However, we strongly encourage patients to attend sessions on a consistent basis to get the most out of TMS.

Is TMS covered by insurance?

TMS is covered by most major insurance companies. 

What do I do to begin?

If you feel you are a good candidate and could benefit from TMS contact us today – call (908)-233-8065 or visit – to learn more about if TMS Therapy may be right for you!

Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has over 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide range of mediums.

Social Media and Mental Health: What You Should Know

May 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — embracepwc @ 6:45 pm
young woman using social media on her phone

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. From connecting with friends and family to sharing our thoughts and experiences, these platforms offer a seemingly endless array of possibilities. However, it’s important to bring to light the complex relationship between social media and mental health. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricate connection between the two, shedding light on the potential impacts social media can have on our mental well-being.


April is National Stress Awareness Month

April 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — embracepwc @ 6:46 pm

April is National Stress Awareness Month – a time designated by the The Health Resource Network (HRN), a non-profit health education organization, to raise awareness of the potential damaging effects stress can have on a person’s physical and mental well-being, as well as to inform people how to effectively cope with stress. Understanding how and when stress can be damaging to our health is an important first step to being able to manage the negative impact it can have and know when it is time to seek professional help.

What is Stress & How Can it Affect Us?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress to some degree.

The way we respond to stress – and the amount of time we experience stressful situations – makes a big difference to our overall health. Feelings of heightened stress during challenging events in our lives is often unavoidable. Losing your job, going through a breakup or divorce, or moving to a new place are all common stressful scenarios. 

Stress can manifest in our bodies in many ways. Emotional responses can include feelings of anxiety, depression, and irritability. Physical responses to stress often include pain, such as headaches, tension, and digestive issues. If a person already suffers from any of these symptoms, being under stress will often exacerbate them and make them more intense. 

What are the Best Ways to Manage Stress?  

While stress, and the challenges that cause it are often unavoidable, there are several simple and easy ways to practice stress management and self-care.

WHO offers a stress management guide – Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide – for coping with adversity. The guide aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress.

Additional Stress Management Techniques include:

  • Getting Plenty of Sleep
  • Eating a Nutritious and Balanced Diet
  • Working Out Regularly
  • Spending Time Connecting with Others
  • Reducing Time Spent on Social Media

When Is It Best to Seek Professional Help?

Prolonged periods of dealing with a stressful situation and the effects it has on your mind and body, can begin to affect your quality of life and productivity over time. Worsening mental conditions, including depression and anxiety, trouble concentrating, a lack of interest in activities you previously enjoyed, diminished or increased appetite, an inability to fall or stay asleep, and an increased use of alcohol or drugs, can all be indicators that it may be time to seek professional help for management the effects of stress on your life.

At Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center, we take the time to get to know you as a person and make the process of finding the care you need as easy as possible. Dr. Leopold Bolona leads a team of in-person and remote professionals who are dedicated to providing the personalized services and innovative treatments you need to get the life-changing care you deserve.

Contact our compassionate staff today to learn more:

Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide range of mediums

Psychiatrists vs. Therapists: What’s the Difference?

April 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — embracepwc @ 3:39 pm
Patient talking to mental health professional

If you are looking to improve your mental wellness, you may be thinking about booking an appointment with a qualified professional. But whom should you see to address the specific issues that are plaguing you? Should you visit a psychiatrist or a therapist? Often, such words are used interchangeably even though they have very different meanings. This blog post will help you to understand the difference between psychiatrists vs. therapists.


SPRAVATO: An innovative FDA Approved Nasal Spray for Adults with Treatment-Resistant Depression

March 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — embracepwc @ 5:11 pm

According to the American Psychiatric Association, depression – or major depressive disorder – is a common but serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think, and how you act. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home.

If your depression isn’t responding to traditional antidepressants, you may have Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). Despite this condition’s name, there ARE ways to manage and even overcome Treatment-Resistant Depression.

At Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center, we offer safe, effective, and FDA-approved treatments that are designed to tackle this complex condition and help patients feel like themselves again.

When traditional depression treatments aren’t enough, we may recommend SPRAVATO – a prescription nasal spray that the FDA has approved for TRD treatment. This medication is different from typical antidepressants because it targets specific receptors in the brain that play a role in mood regulation. Plus, while oral antidepressants may take weeks to show results, SPRAVATO will typically take just a few hours.

Embrace Psychiatric Wellness is a certified SPRAVATO treatment center, with locations in Westfield and Freehold, NJ. This medication is administered in-office during a two-hour appointment. One of our experienced professionals will monitor you while you sit back, relax, and enjoy the effects as your brain creates better connections.

One of our highly trained SPRAVATO technicians, Melanie, answers all your questions about this treatment: 


SPRAVATO is an FDA-approved esketamine nasal spray used in conjunction with an oral antidepressant for patients with depression that is resistant to medication and/or other treatments. 

What is the difference between ketamine and esketamine?

Ketamine is typically administered intravenously while esketamine is an intranasal spray. Esketamine is a derivative of ketamine and is proposed to have the same antidepressant effects. Both target the NMDA receptor and work differently than traditional oral antidepressants.

Who is a good candidate for SPRAVATO?

SPRAVATO is used for adults with treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) with acute suicidal ideation. Typically, if the person has trialed multiple oral antidepressants with no relief in symptoms, they are a good candidate for SPRAVATO. Our practice requires a referral letter from the patient’s current psychiatric prescriber to begin SPRAVATO. 

What are the contraindications for treatment?

Contraindications for SPRAVATO include blood vessel (aneurysmal vascular) disease, an abnormal connection between veins and arteries (arteriovenous malformation), a history of bleeding in the brain, and allergy to esketamine, ketamine, or any of the other ingredients in SPRAVATO. SPRAVATO cannot be taken while you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 

What are the common side effects of SPRAVATO?

The most common side effects of SPRAVATO include sedation and dissociation. Other side effects include dizziness, nausea, feeling anxious, lack of energy, feeling drunk, and feeling elated. These side effects typically go away after the two-hour in-office monitoring period, however, it is common for patients to feel lethargic for the remainder of the day after a SPRAVATO session. SPRAVATO causes an increase in blood pressure. Increases in BP peak approximately 40 minutes after administration and can last up to 4 hours. 

How long does it typically take for SPRAVATO to be effective in treating depression?

Patients may see a decrease in depressive symptoms between the second and fourth week of treatment. Typically, if the patient is experiencing relief by the fourth week of treatment, is a good indicator that SPRAVATO will be effective for the patient. 

How to prepare for your first session?

We encourage patients to dress comfortably and bring headphones, or any other items they wish to ensure their comfort to each session. It is important to go into every session with an open mind. Given the sedating effects, patients cannot operate vehicles or heavy machinery until after a restful night’s sleep, therefore, the patient will need to plan for transportation on the day of treatment. 

What happens during a typical SPRAVATO session?

SPRAVATO is self-administered in a private room under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Patients are observed in-office for a minimum of two hours before being discharged. Blood pressure is taken prior to administration, at the 40-minute mark (when it is expected to peak), and at the two-hour mark of treatment before they are discharged. 

How long is the course of treatment?

SPRAVATO sessions occur twice a week for the first four weeks, and once a week for weeks five through eight. Most patients choose to continue with maintenance sessions after this period, with either weekly or biweekly sessions, depending on effectiveness and our provider’s recommendation. 

Is SPRAVATO covered by insurance?

SPRAVATO is covered by most major insurance companies.

What do I do to begin?

If you feel you are a good candidate and could benefit from Spravtao, take the first step to overcome your Treatment-Resistant Depression and contact us today to learn more about treatment-resistant depression and if SPRAVATO may be right for you!

  • Call: (908)-233-8065
  • Visit:
Author: Sara Magnola Taner is an online marketing and communications specialist – with a website development and editorial background – who has 15 years of experience creating and editing clear, compelling content on diverse topics across a wide range of mediums

Exciting News: Our Blog Is Live!

February 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — embracepwc @ 3:30 pm
Welcome sign lying on table with computer and desk supplies

Whether you are seeking care for the first time or have tried several different medications and therapies in the past, it can be difficult to know where to turn when it comes to something as important as your mental well-being. That is what inspired us to create this platform. Here, we will discuss everything from frequently asked questions to details on popular treatments. That way, you have a reliable and trustworthy place to turn to time and time again. For now, you can read on to learn all about our Westfield psychiatrist, what makes Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center different, and three easy ways to get started!

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