Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center Blog

Struggling with ADHD? How to Find a Psychiatrist Who Can Help

September 26, 2024

Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can interfere with your quality of life and your relationships with others. If you are struggling with this condition, it is certainly worth your time to seek professional help! But how can you find a psychiatrist or another care provider who fits your needs? This blog post provides some practical tips.

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What Are the Symptoms of ADHD in Adults?

August 1, 2024

Many experts believe that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is woefully underdiagnosed among adults. That may be because ADHD can affect people in many different ways as they grow older, whereas the symptoms tend to be more obvious in children. What are some common signs of ADHD in adults, and how can you know if you should seek professional help? This blog post explains.

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We are excited to Announce the Opening of Our New Office Location in Westfield, NJ!

July 31, 2024

With two locations already open in Westfield and one in Wall Township, Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center has opened a third location in Westfield, New Jersey.

When it comes to mental health, Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center has many treatment solutions in one location, whether a patient requires:

  • Prescription medication management
  • Spravato
  • TMS therapy
  • counseling
  • Other resources
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Boundaries: A Key Component of Healthy Relationships

July 6, 2024

In a healthy relationship, both parties should feel free to be themselves. However, that is not an excuse for the absence of boundaries. Even the closest relationships benefit from an established set of guidelines and rules. Just what are boundaries, why are they so important for your mental health, and how can you establish them? This blog post explains.

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How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help with Depression?

June 19, 2024

When it comes to mental health, Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center has many treatment solutions in one location, whether a patient requires Countless millions of people struggle with depression or major depressive episodes. This disorder can suck the color out of your life and make every day seem like a major obstacle. Fortunately, therapies are available that can help you see light and hope again! For many people, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is effective. What is CBT, and how might it help you cope with depression? This blog post explains.:

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Innovative Mental Health Care for Treatment-Resistant Depression

May 31, 2024

If you’ve taken two or more oral antidepressants and still experience symptoms of depression, you might have treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

If you or a loved one has TRD, you could benefit from adding SPRAVATO® to your current oral antidepressant.

At Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center, we are proud to offer SPRAVATO® - the only FDA-approved nasal spray for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD). We are the largest certified SPRAVATO treatment center in the Westfield area.

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Dealing with Sudden Anxiety and Depression: 7 Tips to Help You Cope

May 12, 2024

Your mental and emotional health are precious. Unfortunately, though, these aspects of your wellness may also be somewhat delicate. Any life change could trigger a sudden bout of anxiety or depression. How can you cope when your feelings take a downward turn? This blog post contains some tips that you may find helpful. Remember, there is always hope for a better tomorrow!

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Low-Stress Jobs for People Living with Anxiety and Depression

April 11, 2024

Have you been struggling with crippling depression and/or anxiety that impacts your daily routine? These mental health issues can cause hiccups in your personal, social, and even professional life, which can make it difficult to feel motivated or concentrated enough to maintain a stable occupation. That said, certain positions can be more suitable for those suffering from depressive moods or anxiety. Read on to learn some of the best jobs out there that you might consider if you’re struggling with these mental health concerns.

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We are excited to Announce the Opening of Our New Office in Wall, NJ!

March 31, 2024

Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center has opened a new office space located in Wall Township, New Jersey. The new space allows us to streamline our presence in southern New Jersey by combining our Freehold and Brick offices into one larger, newly renovated location, located at 2111 NJ-34.

This new development accommodates the practices’ ongoing growth as we continue to welcome new practitioners to the Embrace PWC team, allowing us to provide our patients with expanded treatment options, including:

  • Medication management
  • Therapy & counseling
  • Advanced treatments, including Spravato and TMS Therapy
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Seeking Drive: Tips for Addressing Depression’s Motivation Drain

March 18, 2024

Whether you’re at work, the gym, or home, you might sometimes feel too exhausted to do any of your normal daily activities. While this might simply mean you’re tired at the moment, having chronic feelings of low motivation can also be an indication of an underlying mental health issue, such as depression. Keep reading to learn what can potentially cause this and ways that you can handle the situation so you can lead a more fulfilling life.

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