Dealing with Sudden Anxiety and Depression: 7 Tips to Help You Cope

May 12, 2024

Your mental and emotional health are precious. Unfortunately, though, these aspects of your wellness may also be somewhat delicate. Any life change could trigger a sudden bout of anxiety or depression. How can you cope when your feelings take a downward turn? This blog post contains some tips that you may find helpful. Remember, there is always hope for a better tomorrow!

Take a Break

When life seems overwhelming, the best thing may be to take a step back so you can focus on calming your mind and heart. Something as simple as taking a day off work or setting aside your usual chores so you can prioritize yourself may help you to gain a calmer perspective.

Find Something Positive to Focus On

You might find that a positive distraction can help you take the first step toward climbing out of a bout of anxiety or depression. Some people find that exercise is beneficial; a long leisurely walk can do wonders in certain cases! Positive socializing and finding reasons to laugh are also good ideas.

Do Not Neglect Self-Care

When you are feeling down, it can become easy to neglect self-care tasks, such as showering, eating balanced meals, and going to bed at a reasonable time. Unfortunately, letting those things slip by the wayside are only likely to make you feel worse. Remember, you deserve the dignity that comes with being clean, well-rested, and well-nourished!

Challenge Negative Thoughts

When negative thoughts start to crowd your mind, try to challenge them. Analyze why you feel that way. Are your feelings logical? What can you do to turn them around? For example, if you find yourself thinking, “things are never going to get better,” challenge that assumption by listing ways that things could get better.

Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine, and Drugs

Alcohol and recreational drugs may make you feel better in the short-term, but they ultimately do nothing to help you solve the problems you are facing. In fact, they create more problems! You should also be cautious with caffeine; some people find that it increases their anxiety levels.

Talk to a Trusted Friend

Is there a trustworthy adult in your life who always manages to put a smile on your face? Those types of relationships should not be taken for granted. Reach out to that special person and tell them what you’ve been going through. Even if they cannot offer any practical suggestions, the least they can do is lend you a listening ear.

Seek Professional Help

If your efforts to cope seem to be inadequate and you have been experiencing anxiety or depression for a prolonged period of time, it may be time to get professional help. There is no shame in seeking mental health care! Talk therapy and, in some cases, pharmaceutical intervention, can do much to clear away the fog created by anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and depression are complex mental health issues, and there is no “one size fits all” solution to them. However, there is always hope for better days ahead! The tips in this article may help you get on the road to relief.

Meet the Practice

Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center is home to a talented team of doctors, nurses, and counselors, all of whom are eager to serve patients at our three locations. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression, we are ready to listen to you and help you explore your treatment options. You can expect us to serve you with empathy and compassion! To learn more about us and our services, contact us at 908-233-8065.