Psychiatric Evaluation – Westfield, NJ

Determine the Cause of Your Symptoms

Everyone is unique, so there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution. A psychiatric evaluation is often needed to diagnose emotional, behavioral, or developmental issues. This takes place during your first visit with one of out mental health professionals. This way, we can identify what is going on so we can determine the best treatment for your condition. If you think a psychiatric evaluation is the right next step for you, give us a call to schedule an appointment with us.

Psychiatrist speaking with patient

What’s Involved in a Psychiatric Evaluation?

Woman talking to psychiatrist

Every evaluation is different because everyone experiences unique symptoms and behaviors. Here are some of the most common things that are discussed during a psychiatric evaluation:

  • A description of your behaviors.
  • A description of your symptoms.
  • How behaviors and symptoms impact your daily life. This includes anything from your work performance to your relationships to your activity levels.
  • Personal and family history of emotional, behavioral, and developmental disorders.
  • Complete medical history.
  • Lab tests. This is used to determine if any underlying medical condition is present.

Psychiatric evaluations can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. You will be asked a variety of questions to help your psychiatrist understand why you’ve decided to seek a psychiatric evaluation and what they can do to help. There are no wrong answers. We are just trying to get a better understanding of your state of mind, psychological symptoms, and potential treatment needs.

What Happens After a Psychiatric Evaluation

Doctor talking to senior patient

After your evaluation, your psychiatrist will work to develop a diagnosis that best fits your symptoms. They will discuss your diagnosis with you and what you can expect treatment-wise going forward. Your treatment plan will be tailored to your unique circumstances and diagnosis. Our mental health professionals will take time to go over your treatment plan with you in detail. This way, you can grasp the overall benefits and risks of your options.

Who Should Get a Psychiatric Evaluation?

Man at work appearing stressed

If you or one of your loved ones has shown signs of a mental health condition, it’s a good idea to talk to a professional. While many of the following symptoms aren’t always a cause for concern, it’s always smart to seek help if several new or unusual ones arise:

  • Sudden mood changes
  • Social withdrawal
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Unexplained memory loss
  • Problems at school or work
  • Loss of motivation
  • Increased sensitivity to noise or visuals
  • Bursts of anger
  • Depression
  • High anxiety levels
  • Paranoia
  • Feeling disconnected
  • Other uncharacteristic behaviors

Remember that it is essential to talk to a professional immediately if your symptoms are interfering with your ability to function daily or if you are struggling with thoughts of self-harm. Our team at Embrace Psychiatric Wellness Center is eager to help you get the care you need to thrive.